Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Social Class

Class divisions still exist through aspects of English life and culture 
Foreigners are bewildered 
Occupation is no longer a guide to where you stand in the pecking order
Judge social class in much more subtle and complex ways
Class is chosen from how you speak
The words you use and how you say them 
Nancy Mitford coined the phrase "U and Non U" referring to upper class and non upper class words. 
How you say specific words- "pardon" - lower/middle person
"Sorry?" Upper class
"What?" Upper class and working class
When you have your main meals 
What type of school you go to
Some upper class disagree that all upper class people are prestige. 
The way you pronounce and choice of words you use determines your class status (eg, mum and dad is a lower class, whereas "mummy and daddy" is more upper class, demonstrated by Prince Charles)
Type of test: m&s test-
Upper class but food in food halls and m&s underwear and occasional plain, basic item
Never buy a party dress or shoes from the store 
Middle class buy m&s food but basic cereals from sainsburys or tesco some would buy m&s clothes 
Lower middles buy m&s food but usually as a special treat and see the house accessories as "very nice but a bit too prices"
Choice of vehicle (the mlre huffy English people are about the suggestion that they drive, the mlre insecure they are about their own position in the social hierarchy.
Type and breed of your pet 
Upper echelons prefer Labradors, King Charles
Lower class like Alsatians poodles chihuahuas
Cats are less popular in  upper class though those who live in grand country houses find them useful for keeping nice and rats at bay
Lower social ranks may keep mice as pets as well as Guinea pigs hamsters and goldfish 
Upper class own "horseys" 
Middles middles and below are likely to dress up their dogs and cats in coloured collars and bows 
Upper middle and upper class dogs are usually just wear plain brown leather collars
Middle middle classes and lower middles are also more zealous than those at the tol and bottom of the scale when it comes to cleaning jk after dogs. 

1 comment:

  1. Fabulous summary of the article Sophie. However your homework was to summarise The Guardian article about TV drama and class. Don't worry - you can do it in the lesson tomorrow when everyone is doing this!
