Friday 18 September 2015

James Bond- Mise-En-Scene

In this scene, the use of the key light on James Bond emphasises Bonds physique and enables the audience to see his muscles and also his sweat. This suggests that he is nervous and is under pressure and also shows the audience Bond's muscles, to show his strength.
The slatted light coming from behind Bond shows the audience that he is underground. It also creates a mysterious and tensed atmosphere. The key light coming from the lantern also helps the audience acknowledge the enigmatic atmosphere. The back light coming from above suggests to the audience that there is hope that Bond will avoid being tortured and will be saved. The antagonist's physique is outlined to show the audience that he is in power, the use of the prop of the rope suggests that he is about to whip Bond. The chains hanging from the ceiling signify to the audience that this room is full of dangers and something bad may happen to him. Additionally, the fact that the antagonist is in the dark and Bond is in the light emphasises the idea that Bond is the protagonist. Though the antagonist is standing up, he is not actually as powerful as Bond because we can visually see that Bond is much stronger than , and his body language is not slouched over to show he is weak and vulnerable it is instead open which shows that he not worried about being hurt. The use of costume and props can impart enormous information about a character’s personality or state of mind. In this instance the torturer is dressed in black, representing his evil status, and he is wearing a high-necked sweater stereotypically associated with Eastern European characters. He carries a whip leaving us in no doubt that he is the villain in the scene.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent Sophie. A really detailed piece of writing encompassing many aspects of the mise-en-scene and the connotations they impart. In your writing for the exam, I want you to focus on how to write about both camera and mise-en-scene together to maximise your marks with fewer words. Does that make sense? Mrs H
